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minimalist nomadic lifestyle

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Minimalism | The Modern Nomad. Minimalism could be disregarded as a crazy left-wing anti-globalisation, anti-consumerist hippie ideal that carries little relevance to real people, but it struck me as a key component in a nomadic lifestyle for three reasons, explained below.

Nomadic ≠ Minimalist - Full Time Traveler and Being Frugal .... Being nomadic doesn’t necessarily equate to a style of travel or spending. Our way is not the only way, or the right way. One can totally enjoy a nomadic life by living as cheaply as possible and not needing to work much at all.

Nomadic Minimalist – a millennial's lifestyle blog. It is a memoir of my three-year nomadic minimalist adventure in New York City. My other writing goal of 2017, in addition to consistent blogging, is to complete the first draft of this novel. Wish me luck and thanks for reading!

Living A Minimalistic Life on the Road — Nomad'er How Far. We are living our own version of a nomadic lifestyle, where some travellers live out of a van, packed to the rafters with kit, whilst others travel with the tiniest of tents and are never seen out of the same outfit.

The Lifestyle of a Minimalist Digital Nomad – Raam Dev. Families with kids can embrace the minimalist nomad lifestyle too. We have a daughter, 10 (and already home-schooled), but are in the process of selling nearly everything so we can travel and live a more adventurous life together. ... Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. – Leonardo da Vinci RT @RaamDev The Lifestyle of a Minimalist ...
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